Staying Happy and Healthy at Mary Ryder Home

Mary Ryder Home, News, Views

Social isolation is a major challenge for seniors, and especially so during this time of extreme caution in response to the pandemic. Provident salutes the team at Mary Ryder Home, who have gone above and beyond to develop programming that keep the ladies healthy both mentally and physically. “For the first time in MRH history, we’ve had to purchase sunscreen … Read More

Zack Brandmeyer Tapped to Lead MRH Team

Mary Ryder Home, News, Views

Provident is pleased to announce that Zack Brandmeyer has been named the Administrator of the Mary Ryder Home. Brandmeyer’s responsibilities will include the administration and regulatory oversight of the facility, which became part of Provident in October of 2019. He will lead a staff of 35, which includes skilled nurses, care staff, and administrative team. Brandmeyer’s enthusiasm for the role was apparent … Read More

Mary Ryder Home COVID-19 Policies

Mary Ryder Home, News

This unprecedented time of response to COVID-19 may have sparked questions with friends and families about how we’re working to maintain the safety of the ladies who live at Mary Ryder Home. We want you to know, first and foremost, that the health of our seniors is our number one priority. Right now, our main focus is prevention. We are … Read More