Provident is partnering with the Jefferson County Health Department to offer a Survivors of Suicide (SOS) support group in Jefferson County. Provident currently hosts 6 SOS meetings per month in St. Louis and St. Charles, and has facilitated SOS meetings for over 30 years.
“The loss of a loved one to suicide is a completely unique experience, leaving survivors with grief that is complex, intense, and often isolating. SOS will befacilitated by a licensed clinician who is capable of providing immediate suicide risk assessment, as well as follow-up care and connections to additional resources,” said Provident therapist Lisa Krystosek.
The first official SOS group will be held on January 3rd from 6:30-9:00 p.m. Group will continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. There is no formal commitment to an S.O.S. group. Residents may join when they want and feel no pressure to be there when they can’t make it.
For more information about the SOS program, please contact The Jefferson County Health Department.